Płytki, kamionka porcelanowa, laminowany parkiet, łazienki, kuchnie, baseny ... i wszystkie materiały potrzebne do całościowej reformy domu.
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Imágenes de nuestra tienda 

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One of the largest tile stores in Valencia and with the most history in Spain. Also one of the leading online stores in the sector with reach in more than 10 countries and more than 1,000 new customers each year.

My name is Jorge and I am part of the third generation.

Here is a brief summary of the history of the company, which has been in existence for almost 70 years.

Azulejos Solá was founded in 1957, in Valencia.
During the first two decades, the company's main activity was construction.
The cities in which we had the most presence were Seville, Valencia and Barcelona.

If you are from Valencia, you will know the Expo Hotel, next to the Nuevo Centro shopping center. In Barcelona, ​​we collaborate with our materials and labor in the construction of the Poblenou neighborhood.

In the 80s and 90s, most of the renovation shops that we know today began to appear... and although, in the first decades of our activity, we were already selling retail in a small basement in the center of Valencia, It is now when our main activity focuses on sales to the public.

During these decades we are introducing new product categories to complete our tile store of about 2,000m2.

Since then, in our store you can now buy all the materials necessary for comprehensive home renovation:

Bathrooms - Kitchens - Exteriors - Swimming pools

In recent years, the main big project has been the creation of this online store, translated into 10 languages.

Technology and the consumption habits of new customers made it easy for us. Furthermore, our proximity to the main tile factories in Spain does not allow us to be very competitive in price.

In summary: Today our activity is based on 3 pillars:

- The physical store with approximately 2,000m2 of exhibition space with a wide variety of products for comprehensive home renovation, represented in environments.

- Kitchen projects. We are specialists in carrying out comprehensive kitchen renovations. From advice, design and measurement, to comprehensive installation. We work exclusively in the Valencia Community with Scavolini, a leading Italian kitchen furniture brand in the market.

- e-Commerce. Despite the complexity of the products we ship, due to their weight and volume, this section has not stopped growing since 2018, when we only made deliveries in Spain. We now make daily shipments to European countries.

Azulejos Solá to sklep specjalizujący się we wszelkiego rodzaju produktach do integralnej reformy domu. Mamy ponad 60-letnie doświadczenie w branży. 

Przez większość naszej historii poświęciliśmy się sprzedaży i instalacji produktów na terenie całego kraju. Od kilku lat i dzięki narzędziom, jakie dają nowe technologie, dostarczamy nasze produkty do wielu krajów Europy.

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4,28/5 (155 głosów)

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